It just so happened that this was one of those events. My cousin was graduating High School and I wanted to take advantage. I racked my brain with ideas about what would capture him. He is a kid of the new age - gosh, I sound so old right now! He spreads his time among myspace, shopping for tight jeans and vans, or texting on his sidekick that is always securely in his pocket. So, I wasn't sure what to do, but had come up with a few sketches and decided to talk to Mo' about it.
"So I was thinking I should make something for his graduation" "I GOT IT." I was abruptly interrupted and not even given the chance to show the sketches I had worked so diligently on. Mo's aha moment was bursting at the seems and she could hardly stay quiet long enough for me to allow her to speak. "DRUMS!" she shouted. "Huh?" what does she mean drums? Does she not know that I am a beginner! Would I have to remind her of this. This was not even something that I thought I could do in the slightest. She quickly retorted with all the faith in my work that I was lacking and then some. We jotted a quick doodle and then we were set. I was to make a drum cake for my cousins graduation.
There was no time to dwell on the fact that I have never done any kind of molding or carving of cakes, even a tiered cake for that matter. It didn't matter that there would have to be some "building" of cake supports which I have also never done before. Pretty soon we were on our way to the cake supply store, the hardware store and my personal favorite, Target.
And here is what we came up with....
There are two 8in rounds with 2 layers each. Knowing I had to make one super chocolatey, I decided on a chocolate chocolate chip with chocolate hazelnut (nutella) mousse filling. The other was a white cake filled with the left over Jamaica frosting and they were both frosted in buttercream. The bass drum and the sticks are rice krispy treats.

What do you think? I'm thinking top 10 single all the way!
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